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Closet Organization Systems

Happy Tuesday and Happy Spring!

If you saw our last post on social media, you are up to speed with the organization tips wave! And if not, you can check it out here:

Since we love organization so much, we decided to give you a couple more, easy tips on how to get your closet organized & keep it that way for a long time!

In our last post we covered everything but the actual clothing! So, here we go:

There are a couple systems that seem to work best when organizing hanging & folded clothing:

1. Color coordination – Which is basically starting from white and going down the rainbow, until you finish up with black!

2. Seasonal organization – This works great if you don’t really have the space or desire to put away your summer or winter clothes after that season is over. This system is easy. Designated rods for the bulky winter sweaters and cardigans and a designated spot for your summer flowy dresses.

3. Type, length, thickness – This is for the less obsessed! This system entails that you put all the thicker clothes in the same spot, similarly to the seasonal. As for length, you want to pick your longer jackets, dresses, rompers, etc. and have a lot of height for that rod. And the type, basically a fold or hang jeans and pants, then move on to skirts and short, pick a spot for short-sleeves and long-sleeves, active wear, and so on and so forth…

You can always mix and match your desired ways together. For example, you can organize by type & length, but you might also work around the seasons at the same time, and still try to color coordinate.

We are giving you a few options, but you can always take bits and pieces of them all!

We hope you enjoyed and found value in this blog & would love to see your organization projects & improvements.

As for our hanger TIP you can find some great matching hanger packs here:

Thank you for your time!

xoxo Elegant Team


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